The Yamauchi Foundation believes that the key to a better society is the creation of as many people as possible who continue to "challenge" things that they are passionate about, and the Foundation will work on supporting these persons as well as on solving societal issues. This is why we continue to be an ally of various challengers for the next generation. We believe that by promoting innovation and contributing to the cultural and regional development of Kyoto - the birthplace of Nintendo and the origin of the Yamauchi Family - we can help realize a society that is full of future challengers.
Yamauchi FoundationMEMBER
山内 克仁
Katsuhito Yamauchi
Representative Director
Katsuhito joined Dentsu Inc in 1985. He was in charge of newspaper advertisements in the Newspaper Division. Later, he joined Nintendo of Canada Ltd. and came back to Japan to join the Planning Division of Nintendo Co., Ltd., and created TV commercials, game events, animated movies, etc. After leaving Nintendo in 2016, he became Representative Director of Yamauchi Co.山内 万丈
Banjo yamauchi
Managing Director
2016年、早稲田大学政治経済学部卒業後、株式会社博報堂入社。2019年株式会社山内取締役執行役員就任。2020年一般社団法人Yamauchi-No.10 Family Office設立。
After graduating from Waseda University, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Banjo joined Hakuhodo Inc. In 2019 he became Director and Executive Officer in Yamauchi Co. Later, he established Yamauchi-No.10 Family Office in 2020.
秋山 咲恵
Sakie Akiyama
Sakie established SAKI Corporation in 1994, SAKI developed the original cutting aged automated visual inspection machine for the electronics consumer product’s production lines. After she resigned in 2018, she was appointed to a member of the board by SONY, Mitsubishi corp.,ORIX, and Japan Postal Holdings. She has many experience of public positions such as advisory committee member of Prime Minister of Japan, METI, Cabinet office etc.キャシー 松井
Kathy Matsui
日本初ESG重視型グローバル・ベンチャー・キャピタル・ファンド「MPower Partners」のゼネラル・パートナー。元ゴールドマン・サックス証券株式会社の日本副会長およびチーフ日本株ストラテジスト。1999年に提唱した「ウーマノミクス」の概念はその後広く世界に浸透し、日本政府も女性活躍推進を成長戦略として打ち上げるに至った。ハーバード大学、ジョンズホプキンズ大学院卒。
Kathy is a General Partner of Japan's first ESG-integrated global venture capital fund, MPower Partners. She is the former Vice Chair of Goldman Sachs Japan and Chief Japan Equity Strategist. Her groundbreaking ʻWomenomicsʼ research spurred the Japanese government to promote gender diversity as part of the nation's growth strategy.She has an MA from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International齋藤 茂
Shigeru Saito
Chairman and CEO, TOSE CO.,LTD. Shigeru founded TOSE in 1979. He is currently an outside director of SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd. and Wacoal Holdings Corp. He also serves as Vice Chairman of the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and as a board member and committee member of numerous economic and cultural promotion organizations in Kyoto and other entities.堀 久美子
Kumiko Hori
元UBS AGエグゼクティブディレクター、アジア太平洋地域13カ国の社会貢献、コミュニティ・インパクト活動を統括。入社以前は、国の人権センターで研究員、損害保険ジャパン株式会社CSR・環境推進室に勤務。英国国立ヨーク大学で学士、英国国立レディング大学修士号を取得。
Executive Director, Former Head of Community Impact, Asia Pacific, UBS AG. Kumiko is in charge of the strategic implementation of community programs at its Asia Pacific franchise in thirteen markets. Prior to joining UBS, Kumiko worked for Sompo Japan Insurance Inc., and the National Center for Human Rights Affairs. She holds M.A. in Sociology from University of Reading, and a B.A. (Hons) from University of York in the U.K.伊藤東凌
Touryo Ito
臨済宗建仁寺派両足院副住職 株式会社 InTrip 共同代表 TATCHA Global Wellbeing Mentor(U.S) 野村不動産ライフ&スポーツ ウェルビーイングメンター 建仁寺派専門道場にて修行後、19 年にわたり両足院にて坐禅指導を担当。 アートを中心に領域の壁を超え、現代と伝統を繋ぐ試みを続けている。 アメリカ Facebook 本社での禅セミナーの開催やフランス、ドイツ、 デンマークでの禅指導など、インターナショナルな活動も行う。
Deputy Head Priest, Ryosokuin Temple, Kenninji School of Rinzai Zen Buddhism Co-Chairman of InTrip TATCHA Global Wellbeing Mentor (USA) Wellbeing Mentor, Nomura Real Estate Life & Sports. After training at a dedicated Kenninji School dojo, Ito has taught zazen (sitting meditation) at Ryosokuin for 19 years. Through integrating his artistic activities, Ito always tries to connect the contemporary and the traditional, transcending boundaries. Ito’ s international profile includes holding Zen seminars at Facebook headquarters in the USA and teaching Zen in France, Germany, and Denmark.河越 信太朗
Shintaro Kawagoe
Shintaro is a family member of the founder of Kotobuki Spirits, one of the leading companies in sales and manufacturing of confectionery industry in Japan. In his previous positions, he founded and managed confectionery companies in Indonesia and Hong Kong. Currently working in Kotobuki Spirits as the Director of Overseas Business Development Div. Graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Political Science and Economics.菅 大介
Daisuke Kan
President, Cheerio Corporation Co., LTD. Board of Councilors, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology. Fellow, US Japan Leadership Program, US Japan Foundation. BA in American Studies from the University of Tokyo. MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business. President, Stanford Graduate School of Business Alumni Association Japan Chapter.中村 多伽
Taka Nakamura
CEO of taliki Inc. and the managing partner of the taliki Fund. While a student at Kyoto University, Taka built two schools in Cambodia as a representative of an international cooperation organization. Later, she studied at a business school in New York. After returning to Japan, she founded taliki Inc. during her senior year of college. While incubating social entrepreneurs and promoting business development and open innovation for listed companies, mainly in the Kansai region, she also established a fund for solving social issues in 2020 and is engaged in investment activities.火浦 俊彦
Toshihiko Hiura
1983年日本興業銀行入行。1986年ベイン・アンド・カンパニー入社、2008年同社東京オフィス代表に就任、2014年同社会長に就任し、2020年退任。同年よりYamauchi N10 Family OfficeにてExecutive Advisorに就任。株式会社エクサウィザーズ社外取締役、まちの研究所株式会社顧問、聖マリアンナ医科大学客員教授。東京大学教養学部学士、ハーバードビジネススクールMBA。
Toshihiko started his career at the Industrial Bank of Japan in 1983. He joined Bain & Co Tokyo in 1986 and was appointed a managing partner at Bain Tokyo in 2008 and then chairman in 2014. He graduated the firm in 2020 and joined Yamauchi No.10 Family Office as executive advisor. Other positions he currently holds include: outside director of Exawizards, advisor of Machino Research Institute, and visiting professor at St. Marianna University School of Medicine. Bachelor’s degree in liberal arts at Tokyo University and MBA at Harvard Business School.松本 理寿輝
Rizuki Matsumoto
Representative of the Machi no Hoikuen/ Kodomoen Community School. Rizuki established "Machi no Hoikuen/ Kodomoen" in 2011. Before that, hei worked for Hakuhodo Inc. and a real estate construction venture. He promotes "school and preschool management," "co-creation with companies and local governments," and "research," with education and community development at the core of his activities. He is also a representative of Reggio Emilia Education and Japan Institute for Reggio Emilia Alliance (JIREA). Graduated from Hitotsubashi University with a degree in Commerce.大石 篤史
Atsushi Oishi
Atsushi is a partner at Mori Hamada & Matsumoto. He graduated from the University of Tokyo (LLB, 1996) ; admitted in Japan, 1998; graduated from New York University School of Law (LLM, 2003) ; admitted in New York, 2004; registered as Licensed Tax Accountant, 2006. He works primarily in the practice areas of M&A, tax and wealth management. He worked as member of Task Force on Management Buy Out Transactions organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; member of the Expert Committee on Anti-Tax Haven Legislation and Intangible Assets, organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; invited researcher at Global Family Business Research Institute, Waseda University.鶴岡 玲子
Reiko Tsuruoka
Certified Tax Accountant / Real Estate Notary. After working at several accounting firms, she joined Aoyamagodo Tax Corporation in 2015. She has a strong interest in accounting and taxation for public benefit corporations, as in her previous job she was in charge of social welfare corporations, including facilities for the disabled. Currently, she is in charge of tax advisory to several foundations and incorporated associations.市村 吉也
Yoshiya Ichimura
Yamauchi-No.10 Family Office, COO(最高執行責任者)。30年以上に渡って資産運用業に従事。野村アセットマネジメントの運用審査部長、国際業務部長及びロンドン現地法人COO、シュローダー・インベストメントのプロダクト・マーケティング部門統括などを歴任。日本証券アナリスト協会認定アナリスト。学習院大学法学部卒業。英国エクセター大学でインベストメント修士号を取得。
Chief Operating Officer of Yamauchi-No.10 Family Office. Yoshiya spent over three decades in an asset management industry including the positions of Head of International Business and London Office COO at Nomura Asset Management as well as Head of Product and Marketing at Schroder Investment Japan. He is Certified Member Analyst of the Security Analyst Association of Japan. He holds MA in Finance and Investment from University of Exeter, UK and Bachelor of Law at Gakushuin University.